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Strike One! Book Review

Strike One! Book Review – review of the book Strike One! and interview with the book’s author, Andrea Prostko. Strike One! is a novel written by Lake Orion MI author Andrea Prostko about a bullying situation among a group of fifth grade boys. Andrea Prostko introduces a group of three main characters in Strike One! – a bully (Jacob), his target (Timmy), and the bystander (Billy).

The new kid, Timmy, is an overweight boy who is challenged and distraught from the bullying he gets at his new school. On multiple occasions, Jacob (the bully who “needs” to be the center of attention) embarrasses and humiliates Timmy in front of all the classmates. But, in the end, the tables are turned and Jacob finds himself looking to Timmy for help.

Author Andrea Prostko does a great job when writing Strike One! She presents a common problem seen with many children today, and she shows how all children are created equally and how they can potentially resolve a bulling situation. The book is designed the mid-to-upper elementary/early middle school/”tween” age group.

A great addition to Strike One! is the Book Club Discussion Questions section at the end of the story. Strike One! is meant to be read by children who can then discuss the reading with other children, educators, and/or parents. The questions really get them thinking and can hopefully help prepare them for bullying situations.

Also, a teacher curriculum and parent guide were developed to accompany the book, and incorporate in-depth discussions about bullying.

Lisa LaGrou of Oakland County Moms – How did you become inspired to write a book about bullying? Did you relate your story to any personal experiences?

Andrea Prostko – Strike One! Book Author – Actually, the main inspiration for the book was my own son – I wanted to write something that would be fun and interesting for boys to read – something “contemporary” with characters that they could relate to in their every day lives. And, since every good story needs a conflict, I just happened to be watching something about bullying on the news – so I chose that topic for my theme. I wanted to make the book about something that all kids could relate to, and I’m finding that bullying sure fits that criteria.

Lisa LaGrou of Oakland County Moms – Is this your first book? If not, what else have you written?

Andrea Prostko – Strike One! Book Author – This is the first novel that I’ve had published. I’m currently working on my second book.

Lisa LaGrou of Oakland County Moms – How has your book been used in the classroom setting?

Andrea Prostko – Strike One! Book Author – My book has been used in the classroom setting as both part of book clubs/reading groups, and also as a group/class read-aloud with a teach on bullying. I have developed a teacher review guide and parent guide that can be used as a discussion strategy/lesson plan for each chapter.

Lisa LaGrou of Oakland County Moms – Have you “tested” your book with a group of kids and the Book Club Discussion Questions? If so, how did they respond?

Andrea Prostko – Strike One! Book Author – I have tested the book, with great success.  I’m finding that kids really like to discuss what happens in the book – both the events they find entertaining and the ones that make them mad – but they also like to talk about how the events relate to the kids at their own school.  There is so much discussion on this topic that some teachers have even told me that they’ve “run out of time”!  All good reads are about making you think – even after you’ve put the book down – and I  definitely think  Strike One! is one of those!

Strike One! by Andrea Prostko can be found on

Publisher’s website.

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