Children’s Dental Health Statistics – Results from a recent national survey indicate one-third of America’s children are not seeing a dentist regularly and even more are failing to brush enough at home. In recognition of February as National Children’s Dental Health Month, Delta Dental of Michigan is reminding parents that good oral health habits start early.
Children’s Dental Health Statistics
“Children should go to the dentist by age 1 or within six months after the first tooth erupts,” said Dr. Jed Jacobson, chief science officer and senior vice president of Delta Dental of Michigan. “Early dental visits can help detect problems and teach children good habits for a lifetime of good oral health.”
The 2009 Delta Dental Children’s Oral Health Survey found that one-third of respondents reported a dentist had not seen their child. More than one-third admit their child brushes only once per day and those kids who do brush more frequently may not be doing it long enough. Nearly half of caregivers say their children brush their teeth for one minute or less. Dentists recommend spending two minutes or more and to brush at least twice per day.
“Americans say they understand that proper brushing technique is critical to children’s oral health,” Jacobson said. “But there’s clearly a need for more education, more frequently, to teach practices that will help promote better oral health. In addition, dental benefits that encourage visits to the dentist are crucial.”