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Do Allowances Work?

Do Allowances Work?

Do Allowances Work? Tips for allowances PLUS helpful apps that can manage the process. Should you ask kids to do chores in return for getting a fixed amount of money? I don’t recall getting an allowance as a child. I

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Summer Brain Drain Tips / How to Avoid The Academic Summer Slide

Summer Brain Drain Tips

Summer Brain Drain Tips for Parents – Tips to avoid the “academic summer slide” & “summer brain drain” with Lisa LaGrou of Oakland County Moms and

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She Shed Ideas

Meet the she shed – every moms answer to the man cave. The Man Cave concept is every man’s dream and many man’s reality. There are homes out there with

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Summer Fun Things To Do

Summer Fun Things To Do

Summer Fun Things To Do – local summer ideas and fun things to do with kids that are sometimes educational, very affordable, and always FUN. Are you ready for what to do when school is out

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Lakeside Mall Nostalgia

Lakeside Mall Nostalgia

Lakeside Mall Nostalgia – Lakeside Mall is scheduled to close for good on July 1, 2024. Like many Metro Detroiters, Lakeside Mall was “my mall”, we’re practically the same age.

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Baby Milestones I Won't Miss

Baby Milestones I Won’t Miss

Baby Milestones I Won’t Miss – I’m bringing this one back after meeting up with a friend whose son is finally past the baby/toddler stage. We laughed

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What's Your Idea of Relaxation?

What’s Your Idea of Relaxation?

What’s Your Idea of Relaxation? Spa retreat? Yoga? Time with the family? I did some soul-searching to learn I actually prefer the simplest of life’s pleasures as my way of destressing.

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