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Thoughts About Autism Friendly Toys

Autism Friendly Toys concerns – Do autism friendly toys work at helping ASD symptoms? Or, making them worse? What makes a toy “autism friendly”?

I sincerely appreciate the response I’ve received in the Autism Diary entries I’ve written. As much as I’d like to think I’ve tried to help people, I’ve often been the recipient of excellent advice and support. This post is another time where I’m not necessarily trying to offer answers. I’m probably just raising more questions!

Autism Friendly Toys Concerns


Autism Friendly Toys – Concerns

Nonetheless, I think the issues I’m going to raise here are important to consider when taking steps to helpĀ Autism Spectrum Disorder children learn through play.

I’ve posted articles in the past relating to toys that have been cited through experts and toy companies that “speak” to autism. It’s implied that these toys can directly and indirectly help children on the Autism Spectrum Disorder spectrum socialize and communicate better. I’m not here to dispute the claims of the experts or my own articles but I do think there is a growing need for some awareness as to how these toys are being selected and how parents should use and monitor them. In short, I have concerns regarding autism friendly toys.

Autism Friendly Toys – “Just Because It Blinks”

My autism friendly concerns stem from my own personal experiences with raising my son. Before he was diagnosed, I thought nothing of his desire to watch certain children’s videos over and over again. I also thought nothing was wrong with turning him loose on a mountain of pots and pans to stack and I thought it was neat that he would dive into an electronic Leapfrog game to learn letters and words. I was proud of my little guy for figuring very complicated learning games and scenarios out on his own. He became addicted to all of these things. The videos, the stacking and the electronic games were catnip to him.

On the surface, these “autism friendly toys” seem like a great idea as many of them address the shortcomings of children of Autism Spectrum Disorder (lack of fine motor skills, dexterity, impaired communication etc). In my opinion, the key to their effectiveness is constant interaction while they are using “autism-friendly” toys. Just because an Autism Spectrum Disorder child “loves” these games and activities and can play them “for hours” doesn’t necessarily mean the toys are good for them. Also, just because a toy blinks a lot, has visually appealing motion or graphics, or has distinct patterns… does NOT make it an autism friendly toy.

The key for the success of the autism friendly toys is the interaction that goes on between the child playing them and others. It’s also knowing “when to say when” as it pertains to stopping one activity and moving on to another. The warning signs for overuse are pretty obvious (and even more obvious in hindsight).

Be careful if you see your Autism Spectrum Disorder child “zone out” during play, getting obsessive by the routines of a game, isolated play and a willingness to repeat a game’s routine infinitely. Like any diet, good “Autism Friendly” toys are only good in moderation. Beware of so called “Autism Friendly” toys that may offer electronic mental stimulation but gives little in terms of encouraging communication or lacks enhancement of fine motor skills.

Autism Friendly Toys – At Least the Situation is Getting Better

I’m happy to report that the past decade or so has been kind for people seeking help finding legitimate autism friendly toys that actually have value in HELPING children with ASDs vs just entertaining them. When my ASD son was very young, these annual lists of toy recommendations were a minefield with toy manufacturers pumping out strobe light yo-yos while claiming the toy could actually help a child on the spectrum. It was ridiculous.

Lastly, here is a website that offers autism friendly toys. Most of these products, at least for me, “fit the bill” as to what I think a quality ASD friendly toy should represent – toys with thinking, cooperative play, gross and fine motor skills involved. Still, I think you should choose autism friendly toys wisely based on the personal needs of your child.

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