A study by the AAP, “Video Game Use in Boys with Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, or Typical Development” seems to confirm what many parents of ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) boys may already know in regards to video games.
Autism Spectrum and Excessive Video Game Use
This study relates to boys on the autism spectrum and it made a lot of sense in regards to our son who has Asperger’s Syndrome. Hopefully the following study results can help other parents out there “connect a few dots” in terms of what they see in their own home.
One challenge we had when considering autism spectrum and excessive video game use was that my son was our first-born. We had no gauge as to what “normal” boys his age were doing in regards to video game usage to compare it to.
This study is also a little dated, I would imagine the numbers for normal video game usage among children 8-18 would be higher in the present day than it was in 2013. I would also imagine that Autism spectrum and excessive video game use is a continuing issue for many parents.
Autism Spectrum and Excessive Video Game Use AAP Study
A study in Pediatrics (www.aap.org), “Video Game Use in Boys with Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, or Typical Development,” (published online July 29) surveyed parents of 141 boys, ages 8 to 18, about their video game usage. The study found that boys with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) spent much more time playing video games than their typically developing peers (2.1 versus 1.2 hours per day). Boys with ASD and those with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) had greater in-room access to video games and were at greater risk for problematic or addictive video game use than typically developing boys. Inattention (but not hyperactivity) was associated with problematic game use in boys with ASD and those with ADHD, and a preference for role-playing games was particularly associated with problematic game use in boys with ASD. The authors state that these findings show a need for heightened awareness and assessment of problematic video game use for children with ASD and ADHD.
Link to the entire AAP article
My son was diagnosed with a mild form of Asperger’s Syndrome and my husband and I became keenly aware of his predisposition toward video games and all things electronic at a very early age. At first, we thought the problematic video game use was a phase or even typical to what other children experience as far as video games. The old “boys will be boys” or “kids sure love video games nowadays” speak. We thought we had a little genius on our hands. My son’s video game “problem” quickly grew out of control as my husband and I realized he would play (and master) any video game all day long if given the choice. It became obvious his attitude toward video game play was far from normal.
The lingering questions and one I have battled for several years are how to still incorporate the positives of “some” of the video game use for an Asperger’s or ASD child and what is deemed to be too excessive compared to other “normal” boys his age. How much of video games can he “safely” process as he expands his mind and how much use is detrimental to where his thoughts become obsessive? How do you incorporate other “healthier” passions?
Autism Spectrum and Excessive Video Game Use / Other Facets to Consider
From a post we wrote earlier on Oakland County Moms about our Concerns with Autism Friendly Toys is the quick label many toy companies give that their particular toys are “Autism Friendly” when in actuality they may impair normal development. Just because a toy blinks or uses hypnotic motion, doesn’t mean it’s necessarily joyful or helpful for a child on the spectrum.
The key for success in video game usage for children on the autism spectrum, especially boys, is the interaction that happens with they characters in the game or… in an ideal situation… how children interact with other live, human players remotely or in person.
For more info on Autism Spectrum and Excessive Video Game Use, visit www.aap.org