Buzzy is a device that takes the sting out of shots at the doctor’s office or pediatrician’s office – literally. Kids love Buzzy because he distracts them from the pain and anxiety associated with shots at the doctors office.
Every trick in the book moms can think of come into play whenever we take kids to the doctor for a shot. My efforts in the past have included: mild coaxing, gesturing wildly, giving my daughter a book or toy or using “reasoning skills” on a 3 year old. No matter my efforts – they all dissolved into a torrent of tears of wailing when the needle came into play or the boo boo was particularly painful. I thought there was just nothing you could do to make the situation any better.
There is product that can help take the sting out of boo boos and shots and make getting a shot more palatable for a child. In addition to the mental distraction, Buzzy is a fun, vibrating bee-shaped toy with frozen wings designed to take the sting out of shots. Most moms keep a “boo boo bunny” or other frozen toy in their freezer for scrapes but Buzzy takes that concept to a new level. Buzzy is carried by hospitals like Troy Beaumont and other pediatricians but is also meant for every mom to have in their arsenal. The vibrating action of the battery powered Buzzy coupled by Buzzy’s frozen wings offer a soothing distraction for shots and stings. Buzzy seems like a neat, high-tech distraction that can make shot-taking easier.
In addition to the various shots or scrapes a child may face, there are other uses for Buzzy. Buzzy can also be a sensory aid for children with autism or facing other sensory issues. Buzzy is also used by allergists and dermatologists to sooth the skin of children with rashes, burns and eczema. I like the fact that Buzzy is designed not only for use at hospitals and doctors’ offices, but Buzzy is a product for moms. Buzzy would make a great gift baby gift or is great product to purchase for new moms.
For more info on Buzzy, click here for their website.