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Elephant Ear Washer Bottle System Review

Elephant Ear Washer Bottle System review, pic and info – The Elephant Ear Washer Bottle System by Doctor Easy is sold on Amazon. Its purpose is to remove earwax that could potentially be causing hearing loss. I had heard about an ear lavage recently and how it irrigates excess ear wax, leaving you with better hearing and no blockage. I was having a decrease in my hearing so I thought I would order the Elephant Ear Washer online and try it out. It has excellent reviews – 1,780 reviews, 4.5 stars, and a #1 Best Seller rating – and many even included photos of the ear wax o_0 that was removed as a result of using the bottle. So, does Elephant Ear Washer Bottle System work?

Elephant Ear Washer Bottle System Review

The price of the Elephant Ear Washer is pretty steep when you think of what you’re getting. For $27, you basically get a water bottle with a hose and a special attachment at the end. They also throw in one packet of powder to mix with the water for the process, but you can easily use white vinegar or hydrogen peroxide instead.

I really wanted the Elephant Ear Washer to work so I could hear clearly again. So, I gave it a number of tries. I tried it with hydrogen peroxide one time, another time with vinegar, and another time with the powder packet.

The results? None. Each time I used the Elephant Ear Washer, I had zero results. Not even the water flushing out was discolored, and not even a speck of wax came out. Are my ears seriously that clean?

Additionally, after using the Elephant Ear Washer I ended up with water in my ear and it feeling achy. So, now I had decreased hearing doubled with that underwater feeling.

The only thing the Elephant Ear Washer turned out to be good for was correcting its own bad experience. I ended up emptying out the bottle entirely and making sure there was no more water in the line. I then used the Elephant Ear Washer to gently pump small amounts of air into my ear to unplug the water that was left behind. Then, I went back to my initial state of simple decreased hearing.

This product could help if you DO have serious ear blockage with excess wax. But, if you clean your ears regularly and your Q-Tips are clean after use, this product isn’t likely to expunge gobs of ear wax that doesn’t exist. I’m going to have my family doctor check my ears for blockage at my next physical, it would have saved my $27 if I had done that sooner. I am happy it appears to have worked for some that clearly needed it.

You can buy Elephant Ear Washer Bottle System and read more reviews on Amazon.

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