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Fruit Smoothie Recipe Using Trader Joe’s Sharon’s Sorbet

Fruit Smoothie Recipe using Trader Joe’s Sharon’s Sorbet – It’s amazing what you can sneak into this without the kids knowing. I put all their supplements, Omega 3, etc. in here and it still tastes great. This Fruit Smoothie Recipe using Trader Joe’s Sharon’s Sorbet also works great for my kids’ allergies because it is dairy, gluten, and soy free. Also, you can substitute to your liking. It’s hard to mess it up!

Fruit Smoothie Recipe using Trader Joe’s Sharon’s Sorbet Ingredients

  • 10 ice cubes
  • ½ pint Raspberry Sorbet (I love the Sharon’s Sorbet from Trader Joe’s)
  • 1 c. frozen blueberries
  • 1 banana
  • 5 strawberries
  • 3 c. orange juice (I use calcium fortified)
  • ½ red bell pepper – just gotta sneak some veggies in there :)

Fruit Smoothie Recipe using Trader Joe’s Sharon’s Sorbet Instructions

Blend and drink immediately. You can change the OJ amount to alter consistency. Serves four.

See REVIEWS / RECIPES for more recipes.

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