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Goldfish Swim School Rochester Review

Goldfish Swim School Rochester review, pics, and info for the Goldfish location on South Street near Downtown Rochester for swim lessons for kids. We reviewed Goldfish when the facility first opened in 2011 and the pool is still in amazing shape. The new instructors are as friendly as ever.

Goldfish Swim School Rochester Review – The Facility

Goldfish Swim School Rochester has all the amenities that make this experience easy and convenient. There are cabanas for dressing rooms, an in (dry) door and an out (wet) door to keep the “traffic” running smoothly, shower stalls to rinse after, swim suit wringing machines, and best of all, a completely heated pool area. The pool room is so warm there is no worry that your child will be distracted from their lesson because they’re too cold. The water temp also averages 90 degrees. This is a very nice change from previous swim lessons where my kids ended up with blue lips at the end of each session in the freezing pool.

Goldfish Swim School Rochester Swim Lessons Review

I watched my daughter through the large glass wall from the parent’s sitting area. I could see how her comfort level with the whole experience was so high and she’s having fun and looking confident. The teachers work so well with the kids and the student-teacher ratio is awesome. There is a four child limit for Goldfish Swim School classes with no parent/adult participation.

Kids definitely get enough swim time in at each Goldfish Swim School swim lesson. Swimming lessons run one half hour long and are for all ages and skill levels – adult/child, group, semi-private, and private. There are also one hour long recreational swim team classes. Classes are perpetual which means they continue indefinitely until you turn in a withdrawal form. It is recommended that children stay enrolled in the program until they have graduated from the Pro Level. Whether you want to get your child swimming early (infants or toddlers), or you have a child that hasn’t learned to swim yet, Goldfish Swim School is designed to get them swimming proficiently.

In the first Goldfish Swim School lesson for beginners, they already had the kids with their faces in the water, diving for rings in shallow water. I was pretty excited to see the great progress even after 1 lesson.

Goldfish Swim School Rochester Swim Lessons Update

After about 3 months of lessons, my daughter moved up a level and my son was on the brink of moving up (he started after my daughter).

Update 1

The most important thing to mention here is that my daughter was incredibly hesitant about the water. Her water skills and confidence were limited to her dipping the front of her face in the water while plugging her nose, and calling it ‘going under water.’ With the help of Goldfish Swim School, she is now jumping into the water, going under fully, floating on her back, swimming with a decent stroke (that needs some work but none the less), and she has stopped plugging her nose when she goes under water. Overall, she has made incredible strides with her water skills, but even more importantly, there is an amazing amount of enthusiasm that has replaced her hesitancy.

Goldfish Swim School Rochester Review Swim Lessons Update 2

After three more months of lessons, both of my kids are in the same level and have moved up two more times. I can’t believe the progress. The next goal is for them to reach the Goldfish Swim rec team. They are two steps away. So, in a short six months, my daughter went from not swimming at all, to the Star level (just two steps below the rec team).

Update 3

The kids are doing fantastic on the Goldfish Swim Team. The swim meets are very comfortable, and not nerve-wrecking for the kids. There is very little focus on the competition end of it. Yes, they are timed. But, everyone receives a placement ribbon. My daughter is not the competitive type, so she just enjoyed finding out her times and holding onto to them to try and beat next time. She was also proud to bring home a first place ribbon and two second place ribbons. The event ended with a pizza party and plenty of smiles.

Goldfish Swim School also offers birthday party / pool party packages.

Goldfish Swim School Rochester Review – Pics

Goldfish Swim School Rochester
550 South Street
Rochester, MI 48307
Phone: (248) 596-1914

Goldfish Swim School has provided my daughter’s swim lessons at no cost so I could conduct this Goldfish Swim School Rochester review. This has not altered my opinion and review in any way.

Goldfish Swim School Rochester Review.

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