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How Food Affects Mood

How food affects mood in children – Dietary solutions for how food and nutrition affects the moods, behavior, and even learning in children of all ages.

The number of children who struggle with poor moods due to diet is rising significantly. They may be struggling with mood, behavior and learning issues. They may already be diagnosed with a learning disability or one of the Four A Disorders: Asthma, Allergies, Autism and ADHD. These children are quite sensitive to many hidden factors that are contributing to their dysfunction in mood, behavior and ability to learn. Potential External hidden factors like toxins come in many forms: Air (pollution, artificial scents), Water (Heavy metals, fluoride, chlorine), Plastics (carcinogens like BPA), Pharmaceuticals (vaccines), and Household products (shampoo, cleaning products).


How food affects mood. Food can impact our mood, learning, and behavior in many ways. Mood-regulating neurotransmitter receptors are found in the digestive tract as well as the brain. Sadness, disappointment and meltdowns can all be signs of depletions in the neurotransmitter Serotonin.

The nutrients in whole foods dictate the health and function of the gut and brain. For example, it is widely known these days that Essential Fatty Acids (i.e. ALA, EPA, DHA) found in fish oils are significant in the development of the immune system of infants, in decreasing mental issues like ADHD and depression, in reducing learning disabilities, and in reducing risks of coronary heart disease and cancer. Deficiencies in magnesium, for example, can manifest as anxiety, ADHD, muscle tension, teeth grinding, fidgeting, and racing thoughts.

Feeding our children whole and nutritious foods, the way nature intended, is vital to the development of healthy neurological, gastrointestinal and immune function. Without this proper nutrition, we may see one or more of the following issues:

How Food Affects Mood

  • Low frustration tolerance
  • Sad / Lethargic
  • Takes things personally
  • Easily angered or offended
  • Alternating highs & lows
  • Overly silly/goofy (can’t get serious)
  • Unsatisfied most of the time
  • Emotional meltdowns


  • Difficult eater
  • Fidgety
  • Lethargic / Tires easily
  • Sleep is restless (maybe teeth grinding or snoring)
  • Whining/crying
  • Tantrums
  • Refusal to cooperate
  • Difficulty listening
  • Need to be told things repeatedly

How Food Affects Mood – Learning

  • Developmental delays (speech, toileting, fine motor)
  • Lacks interest in learning basics (letters/sounds, shapes/colors)
  • Struggles with comprehension
  • Difficulty sitting down & focusing on task
  • Easily frustrated with challenges
  • Needs a lot of repetition to fully learn

Mental Fitness Center is located in downtown Rochester at 425 Main Street Suite #201, 248-601-3111, Contact them for more tips on how food affects mood!

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