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How to Initiate a Lifestyle Change

How to Initiate a Lifestyle Change – Easy, practical tips on how to make (and keep) a resolution for a lifestyle change from our friends at Mental Fitness Center in Rochester MI.

You are diagnosed with low blood sugar and given a “new” diet to follow. The first few weeks are pretty good, but slowly you find yourself reverting to old eating habits and before long you notice changes in your blood sugar, mood and overall health again.


You have a child with extraordinary needs. He follows a specific diet, take supplements, attend appointments with specialist and participates in therapies. You are trying to manage all of this and still attend to the needs of your family.

If any of these situations sound familiar, you’re not alone. But how to initiate a lifestyle change? Many individuals and families are struggling with the challenge of making a health or lifestyle change. Often we know what we are “supposed” to do, but have difficulty following through.

How to Initiate a Lifestyle Change Tips

Set small goals that are achievable, increasing the chances of success. It is tempting to jump feet first into a dietary change or new program that promises to promote the results you are looking for. Remember that change is slow and dependent on your ongoing efforts. Putting too much pressure on yourself or setting the bar too high usually results in failure to achieve and hence loss of compliance to the original program. Take is slow and savor each success.

  • Educate yourself by attending lectures and workshops. Learn as much as you can about many different modalities and theories to create something that will work for you. Try not to shy away from learning opportunities that seem uninteresting. Sometimes the best approach to discovering the correct path is to rule out the paths that do not make sense for you.
  • Seek emotional support. The process of change is often accompanied by a fury of emotions that range from fear, excitement, resentment and more. Sorting through these feelings and understanding their impact on behavior is essential. Through this process of change, you will most likely grieve the loss of the familiar things and the comfortable ways you were used to. Meeting with a counselor can be an effective way to cope with these emotions, adjust to new changes in your life and stay committed.
  • Connect with peers. Participate in on-line web groups.  Talk to other people, find support and identify resources and referral sources in a community that supports what you are trying to do.
  • Explore the hidden factors and the role they may play in your struggles. Chemical exposure at work, cleaning products, preservatives, artificial colorings in food and beverages and beauty products containing synthetic ingredients do contribute to poor physical, emotional and mental health and may interfere in your ability to reach your goals.
  • Invest in yourself. Improving your health and lifestyle is often an investment of time and money – but you are worth it…and your children are worth it.  With the economic struggles we are all facing, finances become a critical factor. So create a plan that will grow with you.  Start by exploring and making change with minimal financial burden. Revisit your budget and allocate additional funds towards health and wellness.

Mental Fitness Center is located in downtown Rochester at 425 Main Street Suite #201, 248-601-3111, Contact them for more tips on how to initiate a lifestyle change.

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