Infant Massage Benefits – Infant massage has been practiced in many countries for centuries. This parenting skill was introduced in the United States by Vimal Schneider McClure in the 1970’s. Infant Massage is a very old parenting practice that has been modernized and is in active use today.
Infant Massage helps to increase a parent’s feelings of attachment as well as the desire to nurture and care for their baby. Infant Massage fosters bonding activity with eye-to-eye contact, smiling, soothing vocal sound, loving touch, caressing, smell, and mutual interaction.
Infant Massage Benefits
- Helps babies to sleep more deeply
- Stimulates immune system
- Reduces colic symptoms and gas
- Improves baby’s digestion and elimination
- Relaxing and soothing for parent and baby
- Enhances communication and emotional ties
Many new parents, over time, come to realize that massage offers deeper communication and attachment, and a better understanding of their child.
Source: International Loving Touch Foundation
Infant Massage classes are offered at Crittenton Hospital Medical Center. Please call 248-652-5269 for class dates, times, and registration. For information and registration please call Crittenton Hospital Medical Center’s Community Health & Education Department at 248-652-5269 or visit
For more info on infant massage benefits, visit