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Meijer Kettle Potato Chips vs Lays Kettle Potato Chips

Meijer Kettle Potato Chips vs Lays Kettle Potato Chips – review of Meijer brand kettle potato chips and a taste, cost, and ingredients comparison to Lay’s brand potato chips.

The Meijer brand claims to match up to the top name brands. I have tried many of the Meijer products and agree with this claim on many Meijer brand products, but have heard it’s not always the case.

My family is going through a kettle potato chip phase and I have been picking up the Lay’s Kettle Chips which are high quality and taste great. But, for $3.49 for a bag so small it’s gone within two days, it’s a bit steep. Plus, for some reason, I could never find the Lay’s Kettle Chips on sale. Would the Meijer brand kettle potato chips be able to hold up price and quality-wise?

This led me to try the Meijer brand of kettle potato chips. The Meijer Kettle Chips sell for $2.99, but you can find them on sale frequently for 2 for $4. I took my chances and bought a couple bags. I was reluctant as first as I did not want to come home with a subpar bag of kettle potato chips during my husband’s kettle chip crave phase. But in the end, we were not disappointed.

I don’t prefer the “regular” Meijer kettle potato chips when compared to the standards like Lay’s and Better Made. I always end up paying a little more for the better potato chips. But, we found the Meijer brand kettle chips to be the exact same quality and great taste as the Lay’s Kettle Chips. So, in this battle of kettle-style potato chips, Meijer wins.

I hope you find this Meijer Kettle potato chips review helpful.

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