Regular Soap vs Antibacterial Soap – I remember when antibacterial soap first came out. Regular soap soon became not good enough. Now, recent studies show that antibacterial is potentially harmful. Who would have thought?
When I first heard that it is best to stick with regular soap, I found it odd that it was quite difficult to find anything but antibacterial soap on the shelves. I like to purchase the large refill bottles and have them on hand, yet I could not find any that were not antibacterial. A recent study concluded that approximately 75% of the liquid soaps on the market are antibacterial. Until recently some large retailers only carried this type of liquid soap. I think some are starting to come around. I just ran out so I am curious to see what my selection will be when I am out shopping for more.
So why do so many people keep using antimicrobial soap even with all the publicity stating that we should not? It’s tough to break the long-held belief instilled by the effective marketing by the makers of “antibacterial” soap. People are understandably concerned about the health and safety of themselves and their families and easily believe the hype that products containing antibiotics are better. And with the H1N1 scare, people find it difficult to let go of any method that screams anti-bacterial.
In reality, the opposite may be the case. The antibiotic used in all these products has been claimed by the EPA to be contaminated by dioxins. The dioxins are formed during the antibiotic manufacturing process so can not be avoided in the final product. Additionally when triclosan, the antibiotic used in these products, combines with chlorinated tap water, a super dioxin is formed.
The Regular Soap vs Antibacterial Soap isn’t necessarily a new thing, I think the more important issue is to wash and heavily rinse your hands frequently no matter which you use.