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Rochester Community Schools Attendance Incentives

Rochester Community Schools Attendance Incentives – Rochester Community Schools rolled out exciting incentives for perfect or near perfect attendance last Spring and they’re going to continue the incentives for the Fall semester per newsletter I received this afternoon.

Students at Rochester Community Schools’ High Schools (Rochester HS, Rochester Adams HS and Stony Creek HS) may OPT OUT of their final exams if they have no more than 3 absences, meet grade requirements, have no missing assignments, and don’t have a suspension. The policy was instituted in the Spring of 2017 Semester with great results. Per Carrie Lawler, Executive Director of Secondary Education for Rochester Community Schools, ” students missed approximately 10,000 fewer school hours than they did the previous spring semester.” Note, these are being treated as a “temporary incentive” pending continuing results of studies with direct comparisons to Fall and Winter semesters.

Rochester Community Schools Attendance Incentives

Students may choose to opt out of their semester final exams if they meet the following criteria

·         No more than three absences in any class for a semester

·         No semester suspensions

Students must also meet one of the following academic criteria

·         Minimum grade of 77% in a class, OR

·         Minimum grade of 65% AND no missing assignments or assessments in the class.

Points of Clarification

1.       Students who qualify for the final exam incentive will still have the option of taking the final exam.

The grade will be calculated into the semester grade if it improves the final grade. These students will not have their grades lowered if they choose to take the exam.

2.       The minimum grade criterion (77% in the class, or 65% and no missing assignments) must be fulfilled within five school days prior to the end of the semester or as directed by the teacher.

3.       Disqualification due to suspension can take place up to and including exam days.

4.       Absences for school business, such as field trips, athletic absences, or RCS testing, will not count toward the three absences. All other absences are counted the same, with the possible exception of religious holidays.

5.       Every three tardies equal one absence.

6.       Students can review their absences in StudentVUE. If a student reaches four absences or more in any one class they do not qualify for the incentive in any class.

7.       Students who are scheduled to take the final exam and do not complete the final exam will receive an E. There is no make-up exam.

What do you think of the Rochester Community Schools Attendance Incentives for Rochester Community Schools?

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