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Ian Ziering Interview

Ian Ziering Interview – I had the chance to speak to Beverly Hills 90210, Sharknado, and recent Celebrity Apprentice Star about parenting, Donald Trump, acting, and more. Ian Ziering was made available to us because he was on a junket promoting the GoodNites blog which helps parents tackle the issue of bedwetting. In addition to his thoughtful responses on that subject, our conversation continued to include some lighter topics.

Ian Ziering Interview

Lisa LaGrou Oakland County Moms – That’s great. Well, I’m a huge Celebrity Apprentice fan so I’m going to change direction and go that route. First, congratulations on being the fourth highest celebrity fundraiser in the history of Celebrity Apprentice.

Ian Ziering – Oh, wow, I didn’t know that! The fourth highest? Hey.. I’ll take that! You know, it was an amazing experience that opened up my eyes to quite a bit. It revealed a skill set to myself that I never knew I had. It was very challenging. One of the toughest things I’ve ever done.

Lisa LaGrou Oakland County Moms – I thought it was interesting to watch… it really, really was. And, now that you have worked closely with Trump on Celebrity Apprentice, what are your thoughts on his candidacy for President?

Ian Ziering – Donald Trump is a very polarizing person. Either you love him or you hate him. I’m not sure who I’m going to vote for just yet. I’m going to wait til the day to really make up my mind. But, he’s a very dynamic person.

Lisa LaGrou Oakland County Moms – That’s very true.. a good way to put it! I’m also a huge fan of Price is Right. Is it true that you auditioned to be the host of Price Is Right? If so, can you tell us a story about the audition?

Ian Ziering – (chuckles) You know, when I was young, I was motivated by glory. As I got older, I was motivated by accomplishment. And, when I was offered an opportunity to screen test for the Price is Right, it’s something that I jumped on. I mean, to work 40, maybe 45 days out of the year, host a party every day or two times a day, shower people with gifts and money, it’s not such a bad thing. I look at myself really not just as an actor, but as an entertainer. But, mostly now I look at myself as a dad. Out of all the things I’ve done in my career, I think the biggest accomplishment in my life are my children, Mia and Penna. It’s the best. My wife and I started a blog “At Home with the Zierings” where we share our favorite foods, adventures, all things Ziering in our crazy life together, and it’s been great.

Lisa LaGrou Oakland County Moms – And you’ve been very busy… you’ve got Sharknado 4 coming out in July, right?

Ian Ziering – Absolutely, Sharknado The Fourth Awakens July 31 on SyFy. Very excited about that.

Lisa LaGrou Oakland County Moms – Very exciting! Can you give us any insight on it?

Ian Ziering – There will be sharks and tornados. More than that, I’m not telling. (grins)

Lisa LaGrou Oakland County Moms – Thank you for that! Do you keep in touch with everyone from 90210 and will there ever be a reunion show?

Ian Ziering – It’s certainly possible. We’re all still good friends. Life has taken us all in different directions, but we remain close. I have great relationships with all of them.

See related posts below for more Oakland County Moms celebrity interviews.

Again, special thanks to GoodNites for helping to coordinate this interview.

For more info on Ian Ziering the parent, visit his blog he shares with his wife,

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