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Role of Siblings in Autism Treatment

Role of Siblings in Autism Treatment

Role of Siblings in Autism Treatment – The greatest help in helping my ASD / Aspberger’s Syndrome child in his progress turned out to be his younger sister.

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Home Therapy Services for Autism

Home therapy service for autism. I spoke to Lina Ghaith of Missing Piece Home Therapy Services for Autism to find out more about the convenience of home

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Pinot's Palette

Panda Pal App for Speech Delays

Panda Pal App for Speech Delays – Technology has progressed at light years compared to when I was helping my son with speech and language delays

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back to school

IEPs for Aspberger’s Syndrome

IEPs for Aspberger’s Syndrome – My son no longer qualified for IEPs or Individualized Education Programs from his school for his Aspberger’s Syndrome.

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