Too Sane For This World, a documentary on the lives of 12 adults living with different autism spectrum disorders, will be released on DVD April 8, 2014.
Too Sane For This World was shot and edited by a mostly autistic crew and features such ASD luminaries as Dr. Temple Grandin, Robyn Steward and Greg Yates. The film also features other adults with autism, Aspberger’s Syndrome and other ASDs that are less high-functioning but work hard to express their stories of living with ASD.
Too Sane for This World explores the challenges, gifts, and distinct perspectives of 12 adults on the autism spectrum. Featuring an introduction by bestselling author, Dr. Temple Grandin, and interviews designed by adults with high-functioning autism, the film discusses many of the problems facing the autism community – from bullying to marginalization and discrimination. A unique collaboration between neurotypical and atypical individuals, men and women living on the spectrum speak candidly about defining and coming to terms with their autism, difficulties they’ve faced, and the experiences that have shaped their lives, illustrating the neurodiversity of the mind and its limitless potential.
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The 63 minute documentary will become available in North America on April 8 on DVD (at traditional DVD retails outlets) and streaming platforms to follow on month later (May 8, 2014). Bonus features include: “Space Cadet” Music Video, Featuring Array, featuring Robyn Steward and Mark Tinley (formerly of Duran Duran) and directed by Davenport. Trailer and Interactive menus.
This documentary should be a tremendous asset to adults with autism, Aspberger’s or any other ASD, in understanding how their own minds process life events. It should also be a fantastic resource for teachers, caregivers, parents and ANYONE associated with an ASD regardless of age.
Too Sane For This World will be released on DVD on April 8, 2014 for a cost of $19.95 and will be released on other platfors (Hulu, Cineme Libre On Demand and Amazon Instant on May 8, 2014.
For more info on the documentary Too Sane For This World, please visit
See related posts below for more on Dr. Temple Grandin and for more on Autism Spectrum Disorders.