Summer Media Allowance Update – A few weeks ago I dropped the parenting hammer on my 2 kids and instituted a rigid media “allowance” for the summer
lisa lagrou
Oakland County Moms full listing of winter events
How to Repel Pesky Michigan Mosquitoes
How to Repel Pesky Michigan Mosquitoes – Michigan mosquitoes population info and how to avoid mosquito bites. Box fans, DEET info, West Nile info.
Oakland County Moms full listing of winter events
Standing Up to Bullies
Standing Up to Bullies – As kids interact, we teach them to use their words. When toddlers play and they get frustrated, we explain to them they need to
Oakland County Moms full listing of winter events
Helicopter Moms Get A Bad Rap
What Does the Term Helicopter Moms Mean to You? The term “helicopter moms” or “helicopter parent” is strange to me. I’ve never been called one (at least
Oakland County Moms full listing of winter events
Helping A Child Choose A College
Helping a child choose a college is as important as it is difficult. More than 50% of college students change majors and nearly 7 out of 10 students today graduate with debt.
Oakland County Moms full listing of winter events
Do Parents Over Validate the Feelings of Kids?
Do Parents Over Validate the Feelings of Kids? I’m sure you’ve heard the psychological advice from today’s specialists that states we should “validate
Oakland County Moms full listing of winter events
Rove Pest Control Novi
Rove Pest Control Novi residential and commercial pest control. Rove serves Oakland County, Metro Detroit and all of SE Michigan. Rove eliminates mice, bed bugs,
Oakland County Moms full listing of winter events
Bad Sportsmanship in Youth Sports
A tale of bad sportsmanship in youth sports. Can there be a “win at all cost” mentality, even in a basketball league for kids that are barely 5 years old?
Oakland County Moms full listing of winter events
Coping With Eosinophilic Esophagitis
Coping With Eosinophilic Esophagitis – Advice for parents of children suffering from Eosinophilic Esophagitis. My daughter has had Eosinophilic Esophagitis
Oakland County Moms full listing of winter events
Family Traditions – The Ties That Bind
Family traditions are the ties that bind my family together and make us the tight-knit family that we are. Every once in a while, usually when life is