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UpDog Yoga Rochester Family Classes Review

UpDog Yoga in Rochester, Michigan offers family yoga and yoga for kids classes. The next UpDog Yoga family class is Friday, April 24, 2015 at 7:15p.

I attended a family yoga class at UpDog Yoga in Rochester recently with my daughter. The class is a great bonding experience for families. I’m happy to bring you my review… and stay tuned for future class date announcements so you and your family can join in as well.

The family class at UpDog Yoga Rochester is not for the hard core yoga lover who is looking for a serious workout. This is a great family experience that the kids will love and enjoy because it’s a time for them to interact with their parents in a way that’s different than the typical board game, or a trip to the movies, or a visit to Dave and Buster’s. This is a great experience for kids of all ages – even as young as four years old. Nobody will have a difficult time keeping up with the class. It is meant to showcase the basics and introduce the yoga experience to beginners, yet you will still get some yoga moves in and have some fun with the whole family.

The instructors at UpDog Yoga Rochester do a great job by mixing the yoga with other types of fun activities to keep the kids engaged – partner poses, yoga games, and group exercises. We did breathing exercises that incorporated creativity and fun while learning. We also had some brainstorming activities that got the kids thinking and got them involved. The class ran about 1 hour 45 minutes long and it kept the kids’ attention the entire class.

I think its a great experience for families to do something different together that not only teaches the kids something new, but also gets the whole family engaged in a fun activity. The family yoga class at UpDog Yoga may even lead to some genuine interest in yoga for the family. This class may be a great way to get it started. It was a very casual environment. There was nothing competitive or hardcore making anyone feel like they didn’t know enough to be there. It was a very welcoming experience and enjoyable for the whole family.

The cost of UpDog Yoga Rochester Family Classes are $25 for 2 – add $5 for each additional family member.


UpDog Rochester Family Yoga Class and FUN-shop
Ages: 4-100
210 W. University
Rochester, Michigan 48307
UpDog Yoga Website
Phone (248) 608-6668

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