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Summer Homeschooling Tips

Summer Homeschooling Tips – I did some brainstorming a couple weeks ago about what our goals were for the kids this summer. In addition to typical summer

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An Open Letter to Trader Joe’s

My open letter to Trader Joe’s – Dear Trader Joe’s, stop taking my favorite products away! When I first met you many years ago, it was love at first sight.

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Vintage Metro Detroit Places

Vintage Metro Detroit Places – Metro Detroit Memory Lane Musings from an 80s Child… The 1980s were a great time to grow up in Metro Detroit. Here

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Moms Don’t Need Parenting Labels

Are you a Free Range parent or a Helicopter Mom? If you’re like me, you’re getting tired of parenting labels or people trying to find a new rubber stamp

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Healthy Parenting Disagreements

Healthy Parenting Disagreements – my husband and I seemed to agree upon everything… before we had kids. Sound familiar? Many married couples skate through

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We Can All Laugh About It Now

We Can All Laugh About It Now – Funny NOW, but no so funny THEN. With parenting comes SO many moments where you can laugh later, but you for

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How Parenting Has Changed

How Parenting Has Changed – I thought my memories of being a teenager and parenting issues my parents faced would be a teaching asset once my kids reached their pre-teens / teen years – WRONG!

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kids crafts

Be Careful Not to Label Children

Be careful not to label children – I took my daughter with me to an appointment when she was very young. A lady asked “How are you?” to my daughter

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Mom Cave Ideas and Tips

Mom Cave Ideas and Tips – What would be in your ideal Mom Cave? We’ve all heard of basement and garage “Man Caves” Women need their place to hangout

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