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Children's Milestones

Parenting Challenges Ranked

Parenting Challenges Ranked – 10 of the biggest obstacles and parenting challenges I’ve faced as a mother so far! Ranked in order of difficulty from Sibling

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Non-Traditional Funerals

Non-Traditional Funerals – When are non-traditional funerals a great celebration and when are non-traditional funerals seemingly selfish to other

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Why I Love Fall in Michigan

Why I Love Fall in Michigan – list of nine reasons why “The Enchanted Mitten” is the best place in the world to be in the Fall / Autumn.

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The Power of Hypnobirthing Years Later

The Power of Hypnobirthing Years Later – the benefits of hypnobirthing last well beyond the actual birthing experience. It can be applied to other facets

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Cedar Point Rides Graveyard

Cedar Point Rides Graveyard / Cedar Point Closed Rides Tribute review & pics – As I head to Cedar Point for the umpteenth time for HalloWeekends, I wanted to pay tribute to the Cedar Point Closed Rides that

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When Your Kids Surpass You

When Your Kids Surpass You – It’s strange to see my children capable of doing something better than I can. I had no idea it could happen this soon.

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Recommendation for Later High School Start Times

School Then Vs School Now

School Then Vs School Now – Can you imagine any of the following stories taking place in an elementary, junior high, or high school now? I’m not writing this

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The Great Sugar Cereal Debate

The Great Sugar Cereal Debate – Do you let your kids indulge in sugary cereal? If so, is it occasionally? Or for breakfast every morning? Cheerios now has

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Lindsey LaGrou

Unwanted Parenting Advice Stories

Unwanted Parenting Advice Stories – I will never understand why strangers in public places feel the need to offer up unwanted, unwarranted  parenting advice.

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kids truck event

Funny Things Kids Say

Funny Things Kids Say – Kids can really brighten a day with their unintended humor. I love calling my friends and family when my kids say the funniest

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