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Oakland County Waterparks

The Youth Summer Jobs Dilemma

Why are so many local employers having a problem staffing seasonal employment for jobs typically held by teens and high school and college students in the summer?

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Lisa LaGrou

Parenting Hindsight – Mistakes? I’ve Made a Few

Hindsight is 20/20. Parenting hindsight is even clearer. My parenting facepalm moments – the philosophies and modes of thinking I struck out on. Nothing cataclysmic here… and I’m certainly not going to dwell. Just something to look back on and chuckle a little bit.

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Is Bullying Worse Today?

Is Bullying Worse Today? Is the bullying problem worse today than it used to be? Or, are we failing to recognize some of the positive changes to school

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#IMomSoHard Interview

#IMomSoHard Interview – Internet sensation, IMOMSOHARD, is on a Fall “Getwaway Tour”, and they are making a stop at The Masonic Temple in Detroit on November 11. Kristin

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The Growing Older Double Standard

The Growing Older Double Standard – Men can basically do what they want as they get older – with little repercussion or questioning from the world

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